
This year, 2023, marks the ten-year anniversary of MonarchTeach at bet8体育娱乐入口. MonarchTeach is a unique collaboration between the 达顿教育学院 & Professional Studies 和 the 理学院 at ODU. 自2013年以来, students majoring in mathematics or science have been able to receive teacher licensure while still earning their degree in their content area. 全国各地, 教师短缺, but ODU has stayed at the forefront in keeping classrooms filled through the MonarchTeach program.

ODU has produced 75 teachers who were ready to work at schools across Hampton Roads in math 和 science classes for more than a decade. Through this innovative teacher preparation program, benefits include:

  • A degree in Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physics, Ocean & Earth Sciences, or Computer Science along with a teacher licensure in four years.
  • Guidance 和 support from highly qualified Master Teachers with extensive secondary school teaching experience.
  • Opportunities to get 奖学金 和 paid internships.
  • Continued support in their classrooms after graduation.

Anastashia佩尔蒂埃, a senior at ODU majoring in mathematics with a concentration in education, has been involved with MonarchTeach for three years 和 “loves every part of it.“通过蒂奇君主, Pelletier has been able to develop a teaching method which she 和 her students find extremely useful.  

“我喜欢让学生们告诉我发生了什么. Getting them to spearhead the conversation versus me being there saying, "这个应该是这个,那个应该是那个".” Pelletier says her teaching methods take great inspiration from the “5E Instructional Model,的意思是:参与, 探索, 解释, 细化, 和评估.

Students involved in MonarchTeach are given the opportunity to have multiple authentic teaching experiences added to their resume before they graduate. Students gain experience teaching at elementary, middle, 和 high schools across the Tidewater Area.

Many students, like Pelletier, have gained essential experience from all three levels of education. Pelletier knew she wanted to teach high school students before joining MonarchTeach but says her experience in elementary 和 junior high classrooms only helped her more. 对于那些想教哪个年级的学生, 或者毫无头绪, the experience in all three environments is just as important 和 useful.

ODU 和 MonarchTeach alumnus Mir和a Blaser is a Mathematics teacher at a Virginia Beach Public School. “I teach Geometry 和 Probability/Statistics 和 Trigonometry at Ocean Lakes High School, 和 MonarchTeach prepared me to teach as I was able to start building connections with my peers,布莱泽说。. “I also learned how to create rewarding lessons that still meet st和ards but also leave the students with enriched knowledge.”

This unique program has provided opportunities for current 和 alumni Monarchs to be able to teach on any level 和 have the confidence to do their job well.

阿什利·巴顿, an ODU 和 MonarchTeach alumnus teaches Algebra 和 Geometry 和 Colonel Fred Cherry Middle School in Suffolk 和 is thankful for this unique program. “The MonarchTeach program gave me first-h和 experience in the classroom. 这让我对教师的生活有了一些了解, 如何写和准备课程, 以及一些课堂管理的技巧. Without MonarchTeach I would not have been prepared to step into a classroom as at teacher.”

劳伦·鲍尔斯博士.D. is the MonarchTeach Program Coordinator at ODU 和 raves about this teacher preparation program. “Across the nation 和 in our own backyard, there are critical teacher shortages. Both math 和 science are noted in Virginia’s 2023-2024 critical shortage teaching endorsement areas. MonarchTeach aims to bridge this gap through preparing 和 sustaining math 和 science teachers that create secondary STEM classrooms that are both engaging 和 applicable to all students.

实习奖学金 也是MonarchTeach的重要组成部分. Opportunities are open to students at organizations such as: Nauticus, 汉普顿路地平线, 维吉尼亚水族馆, 林恩黑文河, 维吉尼亚州动物园, 美国宇航局/弗吉尼亚太空资助联盟, 弗吉尼亚海滩公园和娱乐中心.

另外, MonarchTeach currently has scholarship opportunities for students interested in teaching secondary math 和 science. The GEMS 奖学金 are funded by the National Science Foundation, 和 they aim to serve the national need of preparing STEM educators to be high qualified teachers in high needs schools. 它提供带薪实习, full tuition 奖学金 for juniors 和 seniors with a commitment to a high needs school, 以及与文化相关的教学法研讨会.

ODU through MonarchTeach have partnered with schools in the following districts on both the southside 和 the peninsula:

  • 切萨皮克公立学校
  • 汉普顿市学校
  • 纽波特纽斯公立学校
  • 诺福克公立学校
  • 朴茨茅斯公立学校
  • 萨福克公立学校
  • 弗吉尼亚海滩市公立学校

If you have any questions or are interested in MonarchTeach, 请与项目协调员联系 monarchteach@congtygulegend.net 了解更多信息.