金融援助 with 继续教育

继续教育 can accept payments for courses in several different forms. ODU's helpful staff can assist you in determining if you might qualify for any number of various funding options that could assist you with non-credit continuing educational opportunities to improve your marketability and advance your career.

一般来说, if a student is paying directly without alternate funding sources, the payment can be made by credit card or check. 的re are specific steps for students who utilize employer or sponsor funding.

Payment by Credit Card or Check

ODU accepts most credit cards (American Express, Visa, MasterCard & 发现). For non-credit offerings, credit cards can only be accepted online through our registration system, MonarchCE. Once payment is successfully completed, you will receive payment verification and a registration confirmation by email.

Checks are accepted when payment is made by mail through 继续教育.


的 GI Bill may be used for the Career Switcher program, only. ODU systems require that the tuition be paid upfront and reimbursed through the Veterans Administration to the individual. 还有MyCAA. ODU is honored to offer MyCAA (Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts) as one of its many programs. MyCAA is a workforce development program that provides up to $4,000 of tuition assistance to eligible military spouses over 2 years to pursue an associates degree program, licenses or credentials. 查找MyCAA信息.

Employer/Other Sponsor Funding

Many employers offer tuition assistance (TA) in their employee benefits package. If you are not familiar with your company's policies regarding TA, you should talk to your Human Resources Department. To use tuition assistance at ODU, your company should submit a memo on company letterhead stating that the company accepts the financial debt of the tuition. Please make sure the memo lists the course name, tuition amount and the student name. Submit this memo to 继续教育.

Workforce Development Board

的 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) is a United States public law intended to bring about increased coordination among federal workforce development and related programs.

You may qualify under Title I — Workforce Development Activities, which authorizes job training and related services to unemployed or underemployed individuals, and establishes the governance and performance accountability system for WIOA

  1. 汉普顿 Roads Workforce Council: 的 汉普顿 Roads Workforce Council (HRWC) is a special purpose unit of local government that oversees workforce development programs and initiatives for the Cities of Chesapeake, 富兰克林, 汉普顿, 纽波特纽斯, 诺福克, Poquoson, 朴茨茅斯, 萨福克郡, 弗吉尼亚海滩, 威廉斯堡, and the Counties of Gloucester, 怀特岛, 詹姆斯的城市, 南安普顿, 和纽约.
  2. 弗吉尼亚事业中心: 弗吉尼亚事业中心 provides three levels of service:  职业服务 Basic, 职业服务 Individualized and Training Services.  弗吉尼亚事业中心 services are funded through the US Department of Labor at no cost to the job seeker.


If you would like to investigate the private loan option to assist in funding your education, the process is very easy. See our list of frequently used private loan lenders (please note, you will be taken to another website).

Looking for a 1098-T form?

的 courses offered by ODU Global Continuing Professional 教育 are non-credit programs and as such we do not provide 1098-T forms. However, continuing education students may be eligible for the Lifetime Learning tax credit.

For detailed information, consult IRS Publication 970, Tax Benefits for Higher 教育, which describes the tax credits along with other tax savings opportunities related to the higher cost of education. It may be obtained at any IRS office, at http://www.irs.gov/publications/p970/ch03.html, or by calling 1-800-829-1040.