
The 民政部 and 环境工程 offers a four-year undergraduate program leading to the Bachelor of Science Degree in 土木工程(B)SCE). The undergraduate degree in civil engineering prepares graduates for entry into professional practice and continued intellectual and professional development throughout their career. 土木工程师认为, 计划, 设计构造, and maintain the facilities and infrastructures that are essential to our civilization. 这些包括高速公路, 桥梁, 隧道, 机场, 大坝, 配水系统, 水和废水处理设施, 工业及商业楼宇, 港口和港口, 沿海和近海建筑, 空间卫星及发射设施. A career in Civil Engineering is suited to you if you are interested in math and science, 享受把想法变成现实的过程, 有帮助人们生活得更好的社会意识和意愿, 并希望实现个人成就和经济增长.


  • The degree program is accredited by the Engineering 技术 认证 Commission of ABET

  • The undergraduate degree in civil engineering prepares graduates for entry into professional practice and continued intellectual and professional development throughout their career

  • 研究生s understand and appreciate professional and ethical responsibilities and professional practice issues such as procurement of work, 投标与基于质量的选择过程, 以及设计和施工专业人员之间的互动



看看这些想法来自 ODU的职业中心 & 领导力发展职业信息网(O*NET). A median salary is a midpoint of what people typically earn—half of those surveyed earned above the median salary, 一半的收入低于.


$53,610 工资中位数

运用环境工程理论和原理进行改造, 测试, 并对操作中使用的设备和装置进行预防, 控制, 以及环境问题的补救, 包括废物处理和场地整治, 在工程人员或科学家的指导下. 是否可以协助开发环境修复装置.


$113,180 工资中位数

Lead or manage the development and evaluation of potential wind energy business opportunities, 包括环境研究, 允许, 和建议. 也可以管理项目建设.


$91,790 工资中位数

在计划中执行工程职责, 设计, 监督建筑结构的建造和维修, 和设施, 比如道路, 铁路, 机场, 桥梁, 港口, 渠道, 大坝, 灌溉项目, 管道, 发电厂, 还有供水和污水处理系统.


$91,790 工资中位数

制定地面运输项目计划, according to established engineering standards and state or federal construction policy. Prepare designs, specifications, or estimates for transportation facilities. Plan modifications of existing streets, highways, or freeways to improve traffic flow.


Students entering the 土木工程学士学位 program in Civil Engineering should meet the minimum university admission requirements 本科入学.

High school applicants are selected for admission to the University on the basis of their overall academic record, 包括高中推荐. Applicants must present sixteen units of academic credit from high school. The level of academic competition 和 number of available spaces in the entering class influence actual minimum requirements for admission. Official results of the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) or the American College Test (ACT) must be submitted by anyone applying for freshman status and for transfer students having less than twenty-four semester hours of college credit. Prospective transfer students must have official transcripts of all previous college work completed forwarded to the University as part of the application materials. 浏览有关申请大学的资料及表格, 联系招生办公室, 旧行政大楼108室, bet8体育娱乐入口, 诺福克, VA 23529-0050, (757) 683-3637. Detailed on-line information on the bet8体育娱乐入口's 入学 procedures, Guideline, etc. 也是可用的. High School Preparation Students interested in studying civil or environmental engineering at bet8体育娱乐入口 should follow a college preparatory curriculum including 4 credits of English, 三门外语学分, 数学(代数I和代数II) 4个学分 , 几何和高等数学), 化学1学分, 1个物理学分. Additionally some computer programming is recommended but not required.


在ODU, we understand that as a transfer student you have unique needs that require a wide array of campus resources. The Center for Advising 政府 and Academic 合作伙伴关系 aims to create a transfer inclusive culture that supports the successful...


预计2024-25学年的学费. 价格可能会有变动. Anyone that is not a current Virginia resident will be charged non-resident rates. 包括国际学生.

成本每个点数 $250
成本每个点数 $408
技术 Delivered 课程 Outside Virginia and/or the United States
成本每个点数 $439
成本每个点数 $1,109


这里有一些方法可以让你节省参加ODU的费用. 欲了解更多信息,请访问大学学生资助.


Rising junior and senior level students are encouraged to apply for the 威廉H. 布恩纪念奖学金; presented annually through the Civil and 环境工程 Department and 访问ing Council. Additional scholarship opportunities are available throughout the year from various funding sources upon one’s academic performance and/or upon intended specialization in one’s professional career path.